Capitalising on a climate of uncertainty and leadership in environmental consultancy

Posted by aclimaadmin | 28/06/2019 | Noticias del Sector

There is an urgent need for leadership in environmental & sustainability consultancy to help organisations address the climate emergency. But is the sector ready to lead from the front, asked John Chubb of RPS in his opening keynote ‘Extinction or rebellion’ at the EA Business Summit 2019

The current and future management challenges are many and varied, but there was a unifying theme which dominated discussions at this year’s Environment Analyst Business Summit held in London last week. Namely the call to arms for environmental consulting firms (and their managers and directors) to take a leadership position on climate and sustainability.


In his keynote speech to the 90+ CEOs, MDs and other senior executives in environmental consulting and the wider industry sector RPS chief executive officer for consulting (UK & Ireland) and the summit’s morning chair, John Chubb, laid down the challenge. He posed the question whether ‘we’ (as both human beings and environmental consultants) will be ‘extinct’ in a few years time if the sector fails to show leadership on this, or if we can ‘rebel’ and set the agenda?

Chubb suggests there are five key pressures (both internal and external) or «existential threats» potentially endangering environmental consultancy:…read more


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