Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap

Posted by aclimaadmin | 24/07/2018 | Noticias del Sector

The Chemical Sector SDG Roadmap (Roadmap) is an initiative led by a selection of leading chemical companies and industry associations, convened by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), to explore, articulate and help realize the potential of the chemical sector to leverage its influence and innovation to contribute to the SDG agenda.

The Roadmap offers a unique and collective vision for the sector on what the key impact opportunities to contribute to its most material SDGs and specific SDG targets are — from product innovation to process improvement through to innovative public-private partnerships. It also outlines tangible actions that the chemical sector may take to accelerate impact in the short-, medium- and long term in the run up to 2030.

Finally, the Roadmap also communicates the sector’s willingness to engage with relevant stakeholder groups to promote sustainability throughout the value chain in support of the SDGs.


Fuente: WBCSD

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