Tradebe offers a demonstration of its Ballast Water Treatment in the Port of Gijón

Posted by aclimaadmin | 16/10/2019 | Sector News

As part of the Atlantic Blue Ports Project (an INTERREG project funded by the European Community), we have offered a demonstration of its Ballast Water Treatment in the Port of Gijón (Autoridad Portuaria de Gijón

The InvaSave mobile ballast water treatment system from Damen Green Solutions has demonstrated beyond doubt its capability to help ships meet the incoming D2 standard. All vessels will be required to comply with the standard which came into force on September 8th this year.

What is the International Convention for Ballast Water about?

Invasive aquatic species are a great threat to marine ecosystems and maritime transport is a significant route by which species are introduced into new environments. The problem has been made worse in recent decades as the volume of trade and traffic has increased, especially with the introduction of steel hulls that allow ships to use water as ballast instead of solid materials.

Therefore, the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments, initiated in 2014 and approved in September 2017, aims to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic organisms from one region to another, establishing standards and procedures for the management and control of ballast water and sediments of ships.


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