Brazilian utility to deploy Itron solution to prevent water loss

Posted by aclimaadmin | 15/10/2019 | Sektoreari buruzko albisteak

Itron will deploy its water management system for the Department of Water and Sewage (DAE) of Americana in São Paulo, Brazil to reduce water loss and improve visibility into its water system.

Itron, Inc. (NASDAQ: ITRI), which is innovating the way utilities and cities manage energy and water, will deploy its water management system for the Department of Water and Sewage (DAE) of Americana in São Paulo, Brazil to reduce water loss and improve visibility into its water system. Responsible for 80,000 water and sewage connections, the utility serves the city of Americana, which reports losses of up to 40%. To upgrade its water infrastructure, DAE Americana will deploy Itron’s residential water meters and Itron’s Water Operations Management platform.

With Itron’s solution, DAE Americana will be able to execute its plan to reduce the rate of water loss in its distribution system. The deployment will begin in areas with the highest leak rates in the city. Taking advantage of Itron’s residential and volumetric meters, the utility will be able to measure water, adjust pressure and improve system awareness to mitigate water loss.

Itron’s Software-as-a-Service solutions will play a major role in executing the utility’s goals, enabling greater visibility and more efficient operations. DAE will utilize Itron’s Water Operations Management platform, to securely store data and optimize operations with its powerful mapping functionality. To reduce non-revenue water loss, the utility will manage apparent and real water losses with the platform, which uses innovative algorithms and dashboards to prevent loss.

“We are committed to improving our customer’s quality of life, and Itron’s solution will equip us to monitor water loss and meet our loss reduction goals,” said Carlos Cezar Zappia, managing director of DAE. “Through our water conservation goals and innovative infrastructure investments, we are pioneering the future of water management for our region.”

“At Itron, we are committed to building resourceful communities and ensuring efficient use of our planet’s resources, which is why we are thrilled that DAE Americana is deploying our solution,” said Emerson Souza, vice president of Commercial & Customer Enablement, Latin America. “Our meters and software solutions will equip the utility to improve water access and prevent energy and water waste.”



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