Call for proposals: Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry

Posted by aclimaadmin | 15/10/2019 | Laguntzak eta diru-laguntzak

The call for proposals COS-CIRCFASH-2019-3-02 “Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry” COSME Work Programme 2019 GRO/SME/19/C/08 is online with a deadline for submission on 17/12/2019. The call budget is 3.5 M€ to support 4 transnational networks in 3 years.

The initiative “Accelerate and scale up innovation applications for a sustainable and circular fashion industry” aims at enhancing the competitiveness and improve the environmental performance of European fashion industry by building capacity and supporting small businesses (SMEs, designers and start-ups) to turn their business model into a more circular one.

 The specific aim of the action is:

– To put in place 4 transnational and cross-sectoral support schemes (Consortia) to build capacity for sustainable growth for small businesses in the fashion sector

– Each of the 4 Consortia will provide technical and financial support to a minimum of 25 and a maximum 35 of partnerships per project (financial support to third parties-SMEs)

– One of the member of the partnerships formed has to be an SME, a designer or a start-up (SME or micro-company or self-employed professional)

– The financial support will range between EUR 10,000 up to EUR 15,000.

The call is published in the participant portal, and on the EASME website.

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