
23 05 2018

The sustainability revolution has taken off, but there's more work to do. Former US vice-president Al Gore and veteran investor David Blood explain why they're championing thoughtful firms There is...

25 04 2018

La viceconsejera de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno Vasco, Elena Moreno, ha mantenido un encuentro esta mañana con el viceministro de Acción Exterior y Francofonía de Quebec, Michel Lafleur, en la...

19 04 2018

España acumula un déficit inversor superior a 114.000 millones de euros en infraestructuras públicas prioritarias de elevado impacto social: ciclo integral del agua, tratamiento de residuos, o movilidad y accesibilidad...

16 04 2018

Reducing the emissions of internal combustion engines requires not only establishing ambitious targets as a key technology driver, but also developing solutions that can exceed those goals. In the case...

16 04 2018

Big Success of the Second Sovereign Green Bond Issuance aimed at financing environmental projects in Poland. The Republic of Poland successfully issued its second green bond, which proceeds will be spent...

16 04 2018

The informal meeting of EU environment ministers has begun in Sofia on 10 April 2018. On the first day of the two-day meeting, the ministers of the 28 EU Member States,...

28 02 2018

Un total de 69 proyectos de empresas, la mayor parte de ellas PYMES, recibirá apoyo para sus inversiones en proyectos de protección y mejora ambiental. La inversión total empresarial prevista ronda...

05 02 2018

The Environment & Water Technologies sector is a key growth market for Asia and it offers unique opportunities for leading European technologies. The market size in Japan is forecasted to increase from €238 billion to €294...

26 01 2018

El 26 de Enero se celebra el Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental, que tiene como principal objetivo identificar la problemática ambiental tanto a nivel global, como a nivel local...

12 01 2018

Infrastructure related demand helps secure 3% increase in 2016, despite contraction in North American market experienced by EA's Global 23 players. Growth set to accelerate in 2017 The global market...