Circular economy strategies and roadmaps in Europe: Identifying synergies and the potential for cooperation and alliance building

Posted by aclimaadmin | 10/05/2019 | Noticias del Sector

This report reviews circular economy strategies in support to the European Circular Economy Stakeholder Platform (ECESP). Similarities and differences between circular economy strategies are
reviewed to assist the ECESP in becoming more effective, particularly through collaboration and the involvement of civil society organisations.

33 documents have been reviewed for this study: 13 cover national levels, 9 regional, and 12 local levels. A higher number of strategies was found in areas where there were early strategy development activities, such as Belgium, Finland, the UK, and the Netherlands. The number of strategies at all levels is growing and the pace at which they are adopted is increasing (9 were approved in 2017, 12 in 2018). At least 29 new strategies are under development, which will bring the total number of strategies to over 60 at the end of 2019. Most new initiatives are at regional level in Spain, Portugal, and France, and at national level in central and eastern Europe. Upcoming strategies at regional and local level will improve the relative low number of documents at this level when compared to the national level.

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