The Smart City project ATELIER transforms Amsterdam and Bilbao into citizen-oriented «Positive Energy Districts»

Posted by aclimaadmin | 28/11/2019 | Noticias del Sector

Citizens can participate in innovation studios, local initiatives and energy communities are involved in decision-making processes and activities

On 1 November 2019, the SMART City project ATELIER was launched, which will be funded by the European Commission as part of the Call for Proposals H2020-LC-SC3-2018-2018-2019-2020. Under the coordination of the City of Amsterdam, ATELIER will focus on the development of citizen-oriented «positive energy districts» in the two lighthouse cities of Amsterdam and Bilbao, with the expertise and commitment of 30 partners from 11 countries. Bundle.

ATELIER is all about «AmsTErdam and BiLbao cItizen drivEn smaRt cities» with the aim of creating and replicating Positive Energy Districts (PEDs) in eight European cities. ATELIER will present innovative solutions in its two lighthouse cities of Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Bilbao (Spain) that integrate buildings with intelligent mobility and energy generation and use technologies. ATELIER will thus generate an excess of 1340 MWh of primary energy and save 1.7 kt of CO2 and 23 t NOx emissions. The project includes six follow-up cities: Bratislava (Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary), Copenhagen (Denmark), Krakow (Poland), Matosinhos (Portugal) and Riga (Latvia). These cities will replicate and adapt the successfully implemented solutions to serve as test fields for future smart cities.

On 2 and 3 December, 30 partners working in ten work packages will meet in Amsterdam to officially kick off this five-year project, joining the community of 17 Smart Cities and Communities lighthouse projects.

«Our vision is to create dedicated PED innovation studios to strengthen the local innovation ecosystem and remove legal, financial or social barriers to the implementationof intelligent solutions,» says Frank Tazelaar, Head of the Sustainability Department of the City of Amsterdam. «The innovation studios will be self-sustaining and will continue long after the project ends, thus being real engines for upscaling and replicating solutions within ATELIER cities and beyond (in Europe and the world). In addition, the experiences from our innovation studios are captured and shared through an active learning program,»he adds.

In order to achieve the successful implementation of energy-saving measures, ATELIER puts citizens at the centre of all activities: residents (<9000), local initiatives and energy communities are involved in decision-making processes and activities and are strongly involved in the development of technical solutions throughout the project. Citizens are involved in the innovation studios in order to maximise the impact on PEDs.

«With ATELIER, we really want to pave the way for ‘more positive’ cities in Europe. Therefore, each of our eight participating cities will develop a City Vision 2050, which is the roadmap for long-term scaled solutions. The main goal is to ensure a seamless urban transformation from planning to implementation to further upscaling and replication,»explains Eduardo Zabala of Tecnalia Research & Innovation, Head of Work City Vision 2050.



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