EU-wide monitoring system will track progress towards a sustainable Bioeconomy

Posted by aclimaadmin | 27/11/2020 | Noticias del Sector

A new monitoring system will help ensure that the European Bioeconomy contributes effectively to the objectives of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy, the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals.

The EU is determined to transform the European economy into a resource-efficient, low-emissions economy, which reconciles the demands for food, materials and energy with the need to reduce environmental pressures.

The Bioeconomy is key to this complex puzzle. The European Bioeconomy Strategy aims to develop a sustainable and circular Bioeconomy for Europe that is able to yield significant economic and social benefits, whilst also ensuring environmental benefits.

Innovative Bioeconomy for better quality of life

In an innovative Bioeconomy, paints can be made from crops, algae can be turned into fuel, and industrial by-products can be transformed into bio-based fertilisers.

The benefits can be multiple for the environment and for people. For instance, the quality of life in cities would improve because of innovative waste management, more sustainable transport systems and urban agriculture.

Keeping track of progress

Delivering a sustainable circular bioeconomy is a complex task. This is why the JRC, in partnership with other Commission services and external experts, developed the EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System.

Embedded into the European Commission’s Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy, the system will provide trustworthy data and robust indicators to policy-makers.

It will track progress towards the five societal challenges targeted by the EU Bioeconomy Strategy at EU and Member State level, in the areas of environment, society and economy, along the entire value chain and for all primary production sectors.

The Monitoring System aims to highlight synergies and trade-offs between these dimensions.

In this way, the system will make it easier to understand potential risks and pitfalls linked to policy choices and provide a basis for future policy decisions.

This to ensure that the European Bioeconomy is truly sustainable and circular, and contributes effectively to the European Green Deal and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Fuente: European Commission

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