Brussels promises new EU legislation for end-of-life vehicles in 2022

Posted by aclimaadmin | 17/06/2021 | Noticias del Sector

The European Commission will come forward at the end of 2022 with a proposal to remove the most polluting end-of-life vehicles from EU roads, European Green Deal Commissioner Frans Timmermans said on Thursday (10 June).

“We want to work on the revision of the directive on End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV), and we will make a proposal at the end of next year,” said Timmermas, who was speaking in Luxembourg at the last Council meeting of EU environment ministers taking place under Portugal’s six-month EU presidency.

The current ELV directive dates from 2000.

“If we want to ensure that there is no export of polluting vehicles out of the EU, we have to ensure that they do not circulate,” he said.

As far as heavy-duty vehicles are concerned, Timmermans stressed that rules on battery recharging points and hydrogen refuelling points must be updated first.

The European Commission is also “considering rules on mandatory recycled content” for certain plastic components of new vehicles, a move it says will help to bring cars in line with circular use principles.

After metals, plastic is the most used material in cars, comprising items such as bumpers, seat belts, and steering wheels.


Fuente: euractiv

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