C2Future: First working session

The first working session within the C2Future project that Aclima is developing with 5 other European clusters has taken place on the 18th and 19th of May. The countries involved are Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Italy and the Basque Country.

The aim of the project is to create a new value chain in sustainable cities involving ICTs, mobility, construction and environment fostering the internationalisation of the members of the participating clusters. The target countries of the project are the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia and Algeria.

After carrying out a study on the capacities of the members of the participating clusters, a series of working sessions will be held so that the project partners can advance in the definition of the value chain that brings together all the sectors involved.

During this first working session, the complementarities between the different participating sectors and the possible gaps that need to be filled have been identified. The following sessions will deal with the competences that cluster managers should have to help the internationalisation of companies and the knowledge of the target markets in order to be able to help SMEs in the countries involved. At the end of this phase a document will be issued to guide the next steps of the project.

The project will run for 24 months and will end in September 2022.

For further information, please contact Igor Aranguren at igoribon@aclima.eus.

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