Launch: the Amsterdam City Doughnut

Posted by aclimaadmin | 19/06/2019 | Sector News

How to Create a Thriving City for a Thriving Planet

The city of Amsterdam wants to be a regenerative and inclusive city for all citizens while respecting the planetary boundaries. But how to make such a thriving city? That’s the question that the City of Amsterdam, Kate Raworth and Circle Economy answer at We Make The City, a showcase for urban innovation to be held in Amsterdam on June 19.

Applying principles from Kate Raworth’s Doughnut Economics, the Amsterdam City Doughnut is a pioneering and deeply collaborative process involving more than 100 officials and businesses from the city. The participants have worked together to co-create an agenda for change, to create a circular Amsterdam works for both city residents and the planet.

The report Building blocks for the new strategy Amsterdam Circular 2020-2025summarises the process and outcomes of the multi-stakeholder of the Amsterdam City Doughnut, which has guided the creation circular strategies to create a truly thriving Amsterdam over the coming five years.

Click here to download the full report.


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