Merger of EREK and ECCP to yield benefits for both communities

Posted by aclimaadmin | 15/07/2020 | Sector News

On 22 June 2020, together with representatives of the European Commission, the Joint Research Centre, regional environmental agencies as well as cluster actors from across Europe, ECCP Project Director, Jan Maarten de Vet, spoke during a webinar entitled “Towards a Green and Collaborative European Recovery”.

This was part of series of webinars co-organised by the European Commission’s DG GROW in collaboration with the European Cluster Alliance.

Speakers provided a flavour of the ideas and initiatives that are now emerging across Europe to achieve a green, digital and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 crisis, many confirming that the circular economy will be a leading principle to kickstart growth and recovery.

Highlighted were the need to rethink business models and localise value and supply chains. It appeared that resource efficiency and circular economy principles can go hand in hand with such an ‘onshoring’ trend.

The event was a valuable first opportunity to present the merger between the European Resource Efficiency Knowledge Centre (EREK) and the European Cluster Collaboration Platform. The merger will be guided by the Joint Research Centre, which will largely contribute to knowledge sharing.

The EREK community can benefit tremendously from the market opportunities accessible through the ECCP – which covers over 1,100 registered clusters in Europe and beyond. By the same token, the ECCP community can benefit substantially from the knowledge and expertise brought forward by EREK members.

Insights were provided on the foreseen outcomes of future collaboration between these communities as well as the one with policy makers – notably those who have been preparing circular economy strategies and action plans.


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