Sustainable Manufacturing

Posted by aclimaadmin | 15/06/2020 | Sector News

What is Sustainable Manufacturing Summit?

Manufacturers in the UK are aware of the benefits that a sustainable manufacturing strategy can bring such as increased operational efficiency, reduction in costs and waste, reduced carbon footprint, reputation strengthening and public trust. However, there is confusion over how best to incorporate it into existing products and processes.

Similarly, embracing the circular economy by designing products in a smarter way using reusable and recyclable environmentally friendly materials so that each product at end of life becomes a new resource is becoming a priority in establishing a sustainable way ahead.

The Sustainable Manufacturing Summit is a virtual gathering of manufacturing professionals – 150+ sustainability-minded executives from the UK’s largest automotive, aerospace, defence, electronics, pharma, food and electronics manufacturers, coming together to talk about the role of sustainability in their businesses.

Through virtual keynotes and discussion rooms, Sustainable Manufacturing Summit brings together CEOs, CTOs and Heads of Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility, Operations, Manufacturing, Engineering & Production. Join the virtual, interactive conference format to collaborate with the UK’s most respected sustainability practitioners and experts.

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