iraila 2019

06 09 2019

Investigadores chinos demuestran mediante un modelo matemático que los impuestos que incentivan las prácticas amigables con el medio ambiente podrían promover el desarrollo económico reduciendo las emisiones y la eficiencia...

06 09 2019

La capital alavesa aspira hoy entrar en el selecto grupo de ciudades de todo el mundo que son punteras en el desarrollo de políticas de sostenibilidad. Una delegación del Ayuntamiento...

06 09 2019

El propósito de esta consulta es hacer una evaluación acerca de la actual normativa que regula los vehículos al final de su vida útil, la Directiva 200/53 tal como contempla...

06 09 2019

Tradebe Port de Barcelona (Ecoimsa) and Ecomarpol have been certified by the Efficiency Network, along with four other companies in the shipping services field. What is Efficiency Network? Efficiency Network is...

05 09 2019

Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) has called for a package of measures to ensure that the chemical recycling (CR) of plastics is used only when mechanical recycling is unsuitable. ZWE, a...

05 09 2019

The challenge of recycling e-scrap from households has been highlighted by a recent survey in the UK showing that the vast majority of people with unwanted electrical devices have no...

05 09 2019

Did you know that your mobile phone contains at least 30 different naturally-occurring elements? Natural sources of six of these are set to run out within the next 100 years,...

05 09 2019

Between 13% and 16% of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE), furniture and leisure goods disposed of at household waste collection centres are in excellent working condition and could be...

05 09 2019

El cuidado del medio ambiente y el avance hacia la sostenibilidad y las prácticas relacionadas con la Economía Circular no deben ser esfuerzos limitados a las administraciones públicas y las...

05 09 2019

The presence and accumulation of micropollutants1 (anthropogenic trace contaminants) in aquatic environments is an area of policy concern for the EU. In order to better understand how these chemicals enter...