urria 2019

10 10 2019

EIT Climate-KIC is looking to support ambitious initiatives with a clear pathway to positive climate impact, consistent with the Paris Agreement targets and our Climate Innovation Impact Goals. There are...

10 10 2019

BOE, nº 241, lunes 7 de octubre de 2019

10 10 2019

En el proyecto, liderado por Deustotech y Aclima, participa la localidad vizcaína de Zamudio junto a Halandri (Grecia), Cascais (Portugal) y Seveso (Italia) El proyecto europeo Waste4Think presentó ayer martes, en una...

10 10 2019

EU legislation set to make domestic appliances easier to repair, longer-lasting and more energy efficient Fuente: www.mrw.co.uk

10 10 2019

Subproductos de pasta, cortezas de pan, levadura usada y raíces de malta de la producción de cerveza se reintegrarán a la cadena de alimentos mediante un proceso de reciclaje. Un...

10 10 2019

A planning application to develop what is expected to be Europe’s first commercial scale household and commercial solid waste to sustainable fuels plant has been submitted in North East Lincolnshire....

10 10 2019

Below we present the peer-reviewed calculation tool that allows for all interested stakeholders to get an estimation of the need for residual waste treatment (e.g. energy recovery) once the Circular Economy targets for...

10 10 2019

Last week’s UK-wide Recycle Week, saw Recycle for Scotland, Zero Waste Scotland’s recycle brand, highlight the benefits in capturing food waste for recycling and energy recovery. Last week’s UK-wide Recycle...

10 10 2019

ESWET, the European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology, has launched its Vision titled “Waste-to-Energy 2050: clean technologies for sustainable waste management”, to present the Waste-to-Energy plant of the future and to...

10 10 2019

Working in partnership with waste to energy project developer, Waste2Tricity, infrastructure firm Peel Environmental has submitted plans for a waste plastic to hydrogen facility at its 54-hectare Protos site near...