azaroa 2019

14 11 2019

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14 11 2019

Free-flowing rivers (FFRs) support a complex, dynamic and diverse range of global ecosystems, and provide important economic and societal services. However, infrastructure built to use these services — most notably...

14 11 2019

The warmer, drier conditions expected under on-going climate change will reduce the rates at which soil fauna and microbes decompose plant litter suggests new research from Germany. This may have...

14 11 2019

Researchers have devised a blueprint to integrate the efficient use of waste wood throughout a bioeconomy system — part of the economy that uses renewable biological resources from land and...

14 11 2019

The announcement of a new no-take fishing zone in the Pacific led to a 130% increase in fishing activity ahead of its implementation, satellite data reveal. Although fishing activity dropped...

14 11 2019

El objetivo de esta iniciativa es concienciar a la población para que consuma de forma responsable y recicle más y mejor los residuos que genera. El consejero de Medio Ambiente,...

14 11 2019

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13 11 2019

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13 11 2019

El Basque Ecodesign HUB ha abierto una nueva convocatoria extraordinaria para buscar la colaboración de empresas que quieran desarrollar proyectos eco-innovadores, realizados con la ayuda de jóvenes del HUB y tutorizados por...

13 11 2019

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