500 global businesses sign up to Circulytics

Posted by aclimaadmin | 03/06/2020 | Sektoreari buruzko albisteak

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on communities around the world. As we prepare to meet the unprecedented economic challenges caused by this crisis, we must work together to rebuild the global economy so that we emerge stronger and more resilient. This is a time for companies to re-evaluate their strategies, business models, and materials sourcing. Transitioning from the ‘take, make, waste’ economy to a circular economy will benefit businesses, people, and the environment, and Circulytics is helping companies on their circular economy journey.

Launched by the Foundation in January this year, Circulytics is the most comprehensive circularity measurement tool available. It enables companies to measure circularity across their entire operation — regardless of the size, complexity or nature of their business — and identifies opportunities to further adopt and embed circular practices, driving the global transition to a circular economy.

Since its launch, the businesses that have signed up to complete a Circulytics assessment include 121 companies with an annual revenue of more than USD 1bn. We developed Circulytics in collaboration with our business network to respond to growing demand — businesses told us they wanted a comprehensive tool to measure circularity, and one that looked beyond products and material flows. Many companies will have already collated much of the data needed for Circulytics from existing non-financial reporting standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative, which will make it easier to complete the assessment. A communications toolkit is also provided to help discussion regarding scores and circular economy journeys. Circulytics provides unprecedented clarity about circular economy performance. It is easy to use, demonstrates success using clear metrics, and empowers businesses to develop circular strategies that will deliver long-term growth…read more


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