IDOM is improving water management and accessibility in Medellín (Colombia)

Access to water and sanitation is a human right recognized by the UN and that, in addition, the rational management of these resources is essential for the environmental sustainability and economic prosperity of a region.

With this in mind, the public utilities company, Empresas Publicas de Medellín (EPM), is undertaking a series of actions in the Aburrá Valley, to improve the management of drinking water.

In addition to providing universal access to water and sanitation, the project aims to comprehensively manage unaccounted-for water, promote the efficient use of domestic public services, and mitigate the risks associated with the irregular use of these. For this, it is necessary to consolidate the development of the communities and rebuild the social fabric.

More than 11,700 families, settled in areas which are vulnerable to poverty, will benefit from the progress being made in water supply. As well as improving the technical infrastructure, the population is being made aware of the value of drinking water, through the creation of community working groups.

EPM divided the different actions being carried out on the slopes of the Aburrá Valley into seven projects, four of which are being coordinated by IDOM, with social specialists working on site, and the other professionals that make up the technical assistance team.

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