Circular Economy Mission to India

The mission will take place back-to-back with the 13th Sustainability Summit on the theme ‘Everyone’s Future’ organized by the Confederation of Indian  Industry (CM) – ITC Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Development held in New Delhi on 6th-7th September 2018.

Developing a circular economy is essential to foster sustainable economic growth and generate new jobs. The attractiveness and the necessity of the circular economy model lies in the fact that it offers solutions to the volatile prices of inputs, the issues of security of supply for certain crucial raw materials and the increasing costs of managing waste appropriately while minimising the negative environmental impacts associated with the current linear production model. Increased resource efficiency and circular economy solutions will improve the competitiveness of companies and create new growth opportunities in green markets domestically and abroad.

At the 14th India – EU Summit held on the 6th October 2017 in Delhi, leaders reiterated the importance of reconciling economic growth and environmental protection. They highlighted the importance of moving towards a more circular economic model that reduces primary resource consumption and enhances the use of secondary raw materials. Furthermore, EU and India leaders agreed to further intensify cooperation on addressing environmental challenges while opening up opportunities for sustainable growth and green investment.

India is a Strategic Partner of the EU and the EU is India’s largest trading partner. The EU-India Agenda for Action 2020 has opened important opportunities for trade and investment in a growing market with almost 1.324 billion consumers. Therefore, I would welcome the involvement of key business representatives in this mission.

The Circular Economy Mission to India will have the following objectives:
1. to promote a circular economy, sustainable and inclusive innovation and growth in the European Union and in India;
2. to help EU green business and in particular SMEs to operate internationally by exploiting green business opportunities in the European Union and in India;
3. to promote green business partnerships in targeted sectors by participating in matchmaking events with local entrepreneurs.


The following possible focus for the mission has been identified:

  • Waste (plastics, construction, e-waste, solid and domestic waste),
  • Water,
  • Chemicals,
  • Renewable energy (solar panels, biomass),
  • Mobility (e-vehides),
  • Construction,
  • Textiles.


The mission will begin with technical meetings with Indian national, state and local authorities allowing to introduce the EU audience and also to get insights on India’s needs and concerns on environment and sustainable development and on challenges of making business in India. The mission will continue with the Sustainability Summit, a full day conference and B2B meetings between Indian and European businesses providing businesses and investors the opportunity to identify collaboration of technology exchange and business opportunities. This will be organised with the support of the Confederation of Indian Industries.

I would be delighted if you or your representatives could join us in India. I believe that the participation in our delegation of individual CEOs/entrepreneurs who are interested in fostering circular economy in India will make a major contribution to the success of this mission. I hope that I can rely on your full support and on the help of your organisation to ensure that the delegation represents a broad spectrum of EU interests.

I would be grateful if you could confirm by Friday 15th June 2018 that you or your representatives intend to accompany me to India. I would also welcome your suggestions on the targeted sectors relevant for your members and any efforts you may be willing to undertake to encourage participation of members of your organisation in this mission.


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