Ride the wave to Asia for Environment & Water Technologies

The Environment & Water Technologies sector is a key growth market for Asia and it offers unique opportunities for leading European technologies.

The market size in Japan is forecasted to increase from €238 billion to €294 billion by 2020, with an increased demand on advanced measurement and control technologies. China’s investment in water treatment, waste management and air pollution will reach €2.15 trillion in the next five yearsHigh demand for technologies for water supply, wastewater treatment, air pollution, waste treatment and recycling are key drivers for Singapore & Malaysia. Korea’s environmental industry was sized at €92 billion in 2014, with up to 15% annual growth.

European companies with unique or leading products can participate in EU-funded business missions to access these key Asian markets. The EU Gateway | Business Avenues programme has created several entry points by organising business missions to Japan, Korea, China and South East Asia for 2018.

Providing market briefings, individualised coaching, targeted business matching, exhibition days and business mission support, the programme will give participants the opportunity to showcase their products and meet a targeted audience of potential business partners. Ready to take off? Select your business mission and apply now:

  1. Japan (Tokyo), 21-25 May 2018
    Deadline: 2 February 2018, apply here
  2. China (Beijing), 5-9 June 2018
    Deadline: 23 February 2018, apply here
  3. Singapore & Malaysia, 8-13 July 2018
    Deadline: 16 March 2018, apply here
  4. Korea (Seoul), 10-14 September 2018
    Deadline: 25 May 2018, apply here

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