
07 06 2018

Las lagunas en el cumplimiento de la ley impiden disminuir la producción y el uso de plásticos de una potencia llamada a liderar el desarrollo medioambiental a nivel mundial Nueva...

25 05 2018

Industry bodies have urged the Treasury to deploy new taxes to discourage single-use plastics and the use of virgin materials, while increasing the proportion of the materials that can be...

24 05 2018

‘Together, we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to rethink and reshape the future of plastic’. More than 40 major businesses have pledged to eradicate single-use plastics from packaging in an effort...

21 05 2018

En España, el Consejo de Ministros aprobó, el pasado viernes 18 de mayo, a propuesta del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (MAPAMA), el Real Decreto sobre...

03 05 2018

El PSOE ha pedido al Gobierno que legisle, de manera inmediata, acerca del consumo de bolsas de plásticos ligeras, así como de las toallitas húmedas, dos de los productos cotidianos de...

24 04 2018

Una empresa valenciana ha desarrollado una línea de productos textiles para la hostelería fabricadas a partir de residuos plásticos recogidos de mares y océanos. La empresa valenciana Vayoil Textil, dedicada a...

24 04 2018

The Chinese Ministry of Ecology and Environment has announced that scrap steel, post-industrial plastics waste, PET bottles and waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) imports will be banned by the...

17 04 2018

The breakthrough, spurred by the discovery of plastic-eating bugs at a Japanese dump, could help solve the global plastic pollution crisis. Scientists have created a mutant enzyme that breaks down...

17 04 2018

Bath, UK based Advetec, a specialist in the use of extremophiles to treat solid and liquid organic waste, is expanding its operations with additional laboratories and staff to research plastic...

16 04 2018

Taxes or deposit return schemes – how can we use economics to incentivise more recycling? Richard McKinlay, Head of Circular Economy at resource recovery specialist Axion, discusses the options. The...