The 2020 roadmap for sustainable business

Posted by aclimaadmin | 17/03/2020 | Sektoreari buruzko albisteak

It’s been one of the biggest sustainable business issues of the past decade: tackling the scourge of single-use plastics. In 2018-19, the so-called “Attenborough effect” gave this issue the mainstream attention it deserved, and thousands of businesses duly began to ramp up their efforts to eliminate single- use plastics from their operations and the supply chain.

As we embark upon the next decade, what’s changed? Is the momentum continuing? Are businesses turning single-use plastic ambitions into action? What political, organisational and infrastructural challenges remain? And – crucially – how can sustainability and CSR professionals collaborate and innovate their way towards an economy free of single-use plastics?

This insight report, inspired by edie’s Mission Possible Plastics Hub and sponsored by Nestle, provides a much-needed progress update on the UK’s transition away from single-use plastics; and acts as a definitive guide for businesses looking to eliminate single-use plastics waste through reduction, redesign and phase-out of the material – in a way that doesn’t lead to any unintended consequences.

The report includes a mix of high-level thought-leadership contributions and best-practice case studies, providing readers with a unique insight into how they can become the changemakers on the road to zero single-use plastics.


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