Estudio “Abordar las causas fundamentales. Detener la pérdida de biodiversidad a través de la economía circular”

Posted by aclimaadmin | 03/06/2022 | Noticias del Sector

Tackling root causes

Halting biodiversity loss through the circular economy

Rationale for this study: biodiversity loss is a major threat to us all demanding transformative change

Species are dying out at a rate not seen since the last mass extinction 66 million years ago. The future of our ecosystems, societies and economies is at risk. Yet, action is alarmingly insufficient both in scale and scope, and there is only a narrow window of opportunity to change course. In short, we need transformative change, and we need to tackle the root causes of biodiversity loss across our extractive and polluting linear consumption and production systems. At present, these create too much stuff, too inefficiently and at too high a cost for the planet.

A transition to a circular economy can on its own halt global biodiversity loss

The circular economy redefines how we produce, consume and manage materials and products. It gives us more value from what we have and leaves room for nature. A transition to a circular economy offers a wide range of environmental benefits and economic opportunities for governments, business and consumers. However, no prior work has quantitatively modelled the potential impact a transition to a circular economy could have on halting global biodiversity loss. This work sets out to fill this crucial gap.

This study emphasises how the circular economy can halt and partly reverse biodiversity loss by 2035, through policy- and business-led interventions in the food and agriculture, buildings and construction, fibres and textiles, and forest (i.e. forestry and the forest industry) sectors. These interventions are focused on regenerative production principles, as well as on business models that extend product lifetimes, increase use rates and cut waste to reduce our extraction of resources and in turn tackle the key drivers of biodiversity loss: land-use change, climate change, pollution, direct exploitation and invasive alien species.


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