The Global Recycling Foundation (GRF) is calling for innovative AI solutions to drive the growth of world trade in recyclables

Posted by aclimaadmin | 28/02/2024 | Noticias del Sector

The Global Recycling Foundation (GRF) is calling for innovative AI solutions to drive the growth of world trade in recyclables.

The foundation says AI can develop technologies which will revolutionise the recycling industry, an integral part of the Circular Economy, leading to improved quality standards and deliver a greener future for generations to come.

Ranjit Baxi, founding president of GRF, says: ‘AI is a powerful tool which must be harnessed to strengthen the seamless exchange of recyclable raw materials connecting recyclers, manufacturers and suppliers of raw materials worldwide, helping to deliver a carbon friendly eco system.

‘We need to build a real-time platform streamlining sourcing and trading platforms to optimise efficiency, reduce waste and enhance increased usage of recyclables – the seventh resource.

Baxi insists that AI-supported automation in sorting systems will boost the quality of recycling materials by enhancing operational efficiency. This is because the sorting and processing of recyclables will be done with more precision and at higher speeds.

Global Recycling Day 2024 is held every year on 18 March.

Fuente: Recycling International

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