UK textile recyclers face ‘financial collapse’

Posted by aclimaadmin | 05/04/2024 | Noticias del Sector

The UK’s Textile Recycling Association (TRA) fears the imminent collapse of its recycling sector due to challenges across global markets.

The TRA says it is ‘sounding the alarm’ because UK textile processing plants are reaching capacity. It insists its members are no longer able to effectively collect material from charity shops, recycling centres and community textile banks.

Meanwhile, European countries potentially halting textile sorting operations underline concerns for the sector’s future. France, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Austria have proposed a ban on the export of ‘used’ textiles within the EU. This signals a significant shift in policy.

‘The crisis in the Red Sea, which is disrupting shipping lines, has significantly escalated operational costs for textile merchants,’ says TRA director Dawn Dungate. ‘Coupled with increasing taxation in African and Asian markets and mounting pressure to curb waste exports, the industry faces immense financial strain.’

The wider impact of the UK sector not collecting textiles will result in ‘devastating’ environmental consequences, including microplastic pollution, water pollution, and the accumulation of textile waste in landfills, the TRA maintains.

Fast fashion has intensified the influx of low-quality textiles into the recycling stream. The TRA cautions this has further driven up operational costs, pushing many textile merchants ‘to the brink of financial collapse’.

The association is urging the UK Government to step in and regulate the industry. Introducing an extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme is seen as essential. Transparent dialogue and concerted efforts are also needed to support a sustainable industry.

Fuente: Recycling International

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