100% recycling economy a reality for the Netherlands?

Posted by aclimaadmin | 10/10/2016 | Sector News
The Netherlands: The Dutch government will invest EUR 27 million in improving the nation’s waste management sector in a bid to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill while boosting reuse and recycling practices. The funds also serve to procure innovative machinery so companies may increase the recyclability of their products.


The Netherlands will continue to promote waste materials as a ‘valuable commodity’ in line with the country’s 2050 circular economy plan for a ‘100% recycling economy’, so says Sharon Dijksma, secretary of infrastructure and the environment.

The multi-million Euro investment will kick off at all 7000+ elementary schools throughout the country so as to spark in interest in sustainability in the next generation as well as educators. Dijksma notes that another goal is to make it separating at source easier for Dutch residents and businesses.

Social engagement aside, the so-called ‘national commodity agreement’ will also address environmentally unsustainable product design, especially aiming to find alternatives for non-recyclable packaging. This includes aluminium-plastics and aluminium-carton packaging for crisps and soup.

Dijksma has revealed that she is currently in talks with the three largest banks in the Netherlands in order to get more sustainable initiatives off the ground. The banks have already acknowledged that they are willing to support companies working on circular projects.

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