Prepublicado el WP 2018-2020 del Reto Social 5

Posted by aclimaadmin | 11/10/2017 | Sector News, Uncategorized EN

La Comisión acaba de publicar el borrador del nuevo  WP 2018-2020 del RetoSocial 5: “Acción por el clima, medio ambiente,  eficiencia de los recursos y materias primas“. Podéis encontrarlo en el siguiente enlace.

Hay que tener en cuenta que este borrador aún no ha sido adoptado oficialmente. A este respecto se publicacon el siguiente Disclaimer de la CE:

This draft has not beenadopted or endorsed by the European Commission. Any views expressed are theviews of the Commission services and may not in any circumstances be regardedas stating an official position of the Commission. This draft is made publicbefore the adoption of the work programme 2018-2020 to provide potentialparticipants with the currently expected main lines of this work programme.Only the adopted work programme will have legal value. The adoption of the workprogramme will be announced on the Horizon 2020 website and on the ParticipantPortal. Information and topic descriptions indicated in this draft may notappear in the final work programme; and likewise, new elements may beintroduced at a later stage. Any information disclosed by any other party shallnot be construed as having been endorsed by or affiliated to the Commission.The Commission expressly disclaims liability for any future changes of thecontent of this document.

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