IDOM, awarded to develop the external quality assurance audit (QA) of the Spanish Inventory System

Posted by aclimaadmin | 23/11/2017 | Sector News, Uncategorized EN

IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture SAU has recently been awarded to develop the project to accomplish the “External Quality Assurance Audit (QA) of the Spanish Inventory System (SIS) corresponding to the reporting years 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021″.

One of the objectives of good practice guides of inventory development is to support the development of inventories that can be easily evaluated regarding to their quality. Therefore, it is a good practice to implement quality assurance/quality control procedures (QA/QC) for the development of inventories in order to achieve this objective.

A QA/QC system contributes to the objectives of good practices in the development of the inventory, that is, it serves to improve the transparency, coherence, comparability, comprehensiveness and certainty of the national greenhouse gas inventories (TACCC principles). Thus, to achieve quality objectives, QA/QC activities must be an integral part of the inventory process.

Specifically, the QA is a planned system of review procedures accomplished by personnel who do not participate directly in the inventory compilation/elaboration process. The reviews, made by independent third parties, are accomplished on a finished inventory, after the implementation of the QC procedures. Through the reviews it is verified that the measurable objectives have been reached (objectives related to the quality of the data), it is guaranteed that the inventory represents the best possible estimates of emissions and removals (according to current state of scientific knowledge and availability of data), and the effectiveness of the QC program is supported.

IDOM team will work on this project for the next 4 years. The scope of the project encompasses all sectors: Energy, Industrial Processes and Product Use (IPPU), Agriculture, LULUCF, Waste, and the inventory system itself. Likewise, both greenhouse gases (GHG) and other atmospheric pollutants will be analysed.

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