August 2020

31 08 2020

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31 08 2020

Promovido por la Dirección de Tecnología y Estrategia del Departamento de Desarrollo Económico e Infraestructuras, el Gobierno Vasco ha aprobado el gasto de 87 millones de euros para el programa...

31 08 2020

Research, city governance and citizen engagement will play a crucial role in EU mission that aims to make 100 cities in Europe climate neutral by 2030 One of Horizon Europe’s...

31 08 2020

A naturally occurring protein has been found to have the power to extract and purify rare earth elements from complex metal mixtures. A consortium of three US universities say lanmodulin...

31 08 2020

The American Chemical Society has discovered a ‘micro-recycling strategy’, which is able to convert old printed circuit boards and monitor components into a new type of metal coating. Carefully calibrated...

31 08 2020

Mr Gong Wei explores the lessons we can learn about the need for adequate medical waste disposal capacity from the experiences of Wuhan and New York City... In January 2020, many people...

31 08 2020

Korea’s Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy is building a facility for recycling photovoltaic panels which will be operational by the end of 2021. The new site in Jincheon County...

31 08 2020

An innovative new tool allows countries to continue to track, monitor, and improve the health of freshwater ecosystems, despite limited movement during the coronavirus pandemic. The Freshwater Ecosystems Explorer is a free...

31 08 2020

La cifra destinada a protección ambiental crece hasta los 2.519 millones de euros El gasto de la Industria en protección medioambiental se elevó a 2.519 millones de euros en 2017, con...

31 08 2020

Objeto Las presentes ayudas tendrán la consideración de subvenciones cuyos gastos irán dirigidos a financiar alguna de las siguientes actividades: a) Implantación de la RSE en las empresas mediante la...