Industry call for 75% EU recycling by 2035

Posted by aclimaadmin | 14/02/2024 | Sector News

It said this following the European Commission this week announcing a 2040 target of a 90% net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction compared with 1990 levels. 

FEAD said the commission’s stance would put the EU “on a firm path to climate neutrality by 2050”. But the organisation voiced scepticism about chemical recycling and whether bio-based plastic should count towards recycling totals.

The commission emphasised the significance of the circular economy in achieving the reduction in GHG, a position FEAD said made implementation of the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan essential.

It called for a shift in Europe’s use of recycled materials with a 75% target for the recycling of all waste to be achieved by 2035. 

FEAD emphasised the importance of prioritising mechanical recycling and avoiding  “diversion of waste streams that could be mechanically recycled into chemical recycling”. FEAD also said bio-plastic feedstock should not be equated to recycled materials. 

President Claudia Mensi said: “We are pleased to see the need for a circular economy highlighted in the European Commission’s [announcement] as we believe it is the key to achieve our goals. 

“That is why FEAD’s vision is to drive Europe towards a 75% recycling target of all waste in the EU by 2035, facilitated by industrial excellence in waste management.”

Fuente: Material Recycling World

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