Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Renewable Power Infrastructure

Posted by aclimaadmin | 13/02/2024 | Sector News
As countries scale up climate action, they face the challenge of expanding renewable power while tackling biodiversity loss. Transitioning away from fossil fuels can reduce climate-related pressure on biodiversity, but brings its own risks. Unless carefully managed, the expansion of renewable power could compromise biodiversity. This report synthesises evidence on biodiversity impacts from renewable power infrastructure, with a focus on solar power, wind power and power lines. It identifies opportunities for mainstreaming biodiversity into power sector planning and policy to deliver better outcomes for nature and the climate. Drawing on good practice insights from across the globe, the report offers governments recommendations to align renewable power expansion with biodiversity goals.

As countries scale up climate action, they face the challenge of expanding renewable power while tackling biodiversity loss. Transitioning away from fossil fuels can reduce climate-related pressure on biodiversity but brings its own risks. If not carefully managed, the increase in renewable power infrastructure could undermine efforts to halt and reverse biodiversity loss.

How does renewable power infrastructure impact biodiversity? How can countries plan a power sector transition that aligns with both climate and biodiversity goals? What policy instruments can guide the renewable power industry to mitigate adverse impacts and seek positive outcomes for biodiversity?

On Tuesday 30 January 2024, Biodiversity Analyst and author Edward Perry presented key findings and recommendations from the OECD report Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Renewable Power Infrastructurepanellists discussed how to protect biodiversity as we scale up renewable power, and was joined by country experts to discuss how to protect biodiversity as we scale up renewable power. The webinar was moderated by Kumi Kitamori, Deputy Director of the OECD Environment Directorate.

The report synthesises evidence on biodiversity impacts from renewable power infrastructure, with a focus on solar power, wind power and powerlines. Drawing on good practice insights from across the globe, it offers governments recommendations for mainstreaming biodiversity into power sector planning and policy.

Fuente y descarga del informe: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

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